Category: Catte’s Cradle


Board Game Night

Every other Saturday night, some local friends and I host our regular board game night. Sometimes we try new things, sometimes we play old favorites. Whenever we do happen to play something new, I do little write-ups on the games and how I feel about them. Hopefully these help other...


[CC] My Warrior of Light Story

@itsbasiltime asked the question over on Mastodon: How did you get into Final Fantasy XIV? Ah, my gentlefolk, I’ll have to take you back in time with me a long, long way… Once upon a time, I played World of Warcraft, I actually played it for a fairly long time....


[1P] First Play: Next Fest Demos

Fabledom Probably my favorite game that I’ve tried during NF thusfar, it’s a neat little city-builder that’s pretty relaxing and wholesome — at least insofar as I was able to ascertain during the demo. There’s some political jockeying and world trade you can do beyond the scope of the demo,...


[1P] First Play: Coral Island

I’ve put about thirteen hours into Coral Island and my first impression is that it’s very much like Stardew Valley, but with prettier graphics. There’s a lot of familiar themes: farm crops for money, build up your farm with barns and buildings, make friends with the local community. I think...


Speak My Own Language

I came across this article on caring for yourself in your own Love Language the other morning and it really resonated with me on a number of levels. You see, I’m my own worst critic a lot of the time; not just when it comes to writing and art, but...


Lemon Ricotta & Blueberry Flatbread

I’m supposed to put some long-winded story about how I came up with this recipe — that’s how these recipe pages are supposed to go, right? Hm. I suppose it all started with me wanting to find some new and healthier options for myself to snack on, since a lot...


Stolen Realm: First Play

I really enjoy games that I can play with friends — the more friends, the better! So it should come as no surprise to anyone that games like For the King or Tribes of Midgard are on my list. Most recently, I’ve added Stolen Realm. It’s one of those turn-based,...


A New Learning Experience

As one of my friends would say — wewlad. This new blog has been a learning experience and a half. I’ve overcome a number of design and programming challenges. It’s been good, though, even when it’s been frustrating and I’ve considered just scrapping it all. Much virtual table-flipping. Or table-flipping...


Penning a New Chapter

Ah, here we are again… beginning anew. Some years ago, I gave up on the idea of writing because my chronic illnesses and their subsequent medications make it difficult for me to focus and even coherently put words together sometimes. Yet, there is a part of me that must always...