Roleplay Recap: Week 19


In the aftermath of the trial-at-sea, the use of so much aether left our resident firecatte laid up at home while she recuperated her aether. Carefully watched over by her friend, Valeria Camena, as well as her Doman paramour, Tora’a Honi, she was as well-tended as she could be. Still, matters being what they were with the Vanguard Company and the mounting situation with Rihad and Litany, things could be left to lie fallow. Vincere Northfield still managed to answer her summons, making the trip out to her home in the Mist.

The talk with Vincere didn’t exactly go as they’d hoped. For the person that most of the Vanguard looked to for leadership in lieu of Kaste or Mi’rhysi, Vincere was woefully absent of answers to their questions. It was a situation that didn’t sit well with Vincere and — ever since her traumatic capture and loss of her immortality and powers — the viera had lost all confidence in her abilities, both to fight and to lead. It wounded Katja’s heart to see the valiant viera brought so low.

Valeria, however, was having none of Vincere’s self-recriminations. While many of the things she said were true, they were a clear indicator of the half-Garlean’s growing frustration with the whole situation with Rihad. It always seemed like the Vanguard was two steps behind, just following wherever Litany led like sheep to the slaughter. They really did need to get ahead of the situation, make an adequate plan, but the Vanguard have never really been planners. They spontaneously decide things off-the-cuff and through Nymeia’s grace they manage to pull through via extraordinary luck. Like the trial the day before.

In the interim, T’Shira Rihll also put in an appearance, laden with all manner of treats and foodstuffs to ensure that Katja recovered her aether heartily and well. As things fell apart with Vincere and Valeria, Katja helped herself to the treats, making sure to eat her fill of T’Shira’s delicious offerings. Not that she or Tora couldn’t cook, mind you, but T’Shira just did a better job with some things.

The hyur’s blunt lecture sat none-at-all well with the former sea-faring hare-maiden, however, and Vincere took that as her prompt to leave. She had left a breadcrumb to perhaps speak with Garra Rhali who purportedly knew more about Rihad than anyone else in the Free Company. Plans were made between the Tremendous Trio with each of them taking on assigned tasks to learn more about Litany and Rihad. For her own part, Katja would return to the metal construct and see if anything they’d found thusfar might prompt the familiar’s failed memories.


As Koh’li Nbolo continued to recover from the mysterious ailment that he’d been suffering from, Lafiel took it upon herself to explore the Twelveswood on her own. It was the one place she truly felt safe, because the Forest was always watching. Somehow, she knew that if anything dared to try and harm her here that the Forest would find a way to protect her. As her explorations took her through the South Shroud and Camp Tranquil, she became curious about the ruins of the Lost City of Amdapor. It seemed that someone else had an interest in them, too.

She found a young miqo’te lad sitting on one of the stairwells of the Camp, looking toward the ruins of the Lost City. What his contemplations were Lafiel never discovered, but she did pass a pleasant few bells in the youngling’s company. In perhaps a light irony, he introduced himself as Koh Yamanaka a brave Temple Guard from Yanxia. They spoke of their love of music, the instruments they played, and Lafiel spoke to him some about her past in an effort to soothe his fidgety nature. Quite a contrast to the other Koh that she knew.

I’ve been a bit ill lately, so not quite as much activity as one might hope for. I still hope you enjoyed this week’s installment and hopefully we’ll have more shenanigans to entertain and delight in the future! My heartfelt thanks, as always, go out to all those who made these experiences possible, as always. You’re all a treasure, each of you, every one. Eorzea wouldn’t be the magical place it is without you

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