Tagged: FFXIV Fanfiction


FFXIV Write: 03 – Make Up Day

FFXIV Write Official LinksRules & Info ♥ Prompt List ♥ #FFxivWrite2023 ♥ kofi This is a make-up day for Day One: Envoy. It should be noted here that the last four-line stanza in a ballade or a sestina are called envoi (or envoy) in poetry. The Lighthouse On a remote island there’s a lighthouseStanding silent vigil...


FFXIV Write: 02 – Bark

FFXIV Write Official LinksRules & Info ♥ Prompt List ♥ #FFxivWrite2023 ♥ kofi “Hard to port, Mister Selbaer, or they’re going to catch us amidships and we’ll all be feeding Leviathan for supper!” At the helm, the swarthy viera gripped the ship’s wheel with both hands, leaning his entire body into veering the ship to...


FFXIV Write: 04 – Extra Credit

Intro Line Prompt: As soon as she walked in, she felt the tension… https://writingexercises.co.uk/firstlinegenerator.php Content Warning: Suggested Domestic Abuse As soon as she walked in, she felt the tension. It rasped on the air like static electricity dancing upon the skin. The reek of alcohol, stale sweat, and piss lingered...


FFXIV Write: 02 – Bolt

noun a length of woven goods, especially as it comes on a roll from the loom. http://www.dictionary.com Warm Thanalan sunlight lanced down over the sandstone walls of the Jewel of the Desert, painting the streets of Ul’dah with its pale, yellow glow. Along with that golden shroud came the oppressive...