Roleplay Recap: Week 17


Our week begins with our intrepid elezen minstrel idling in Ul’dah as she often does. She sat for a time with Mesa Kha and Koh’li Nbolo speaking of Lafiel’s mysterious connection to the Twelveswood. As they spoke of the bond between Koh’li and Lafiel, how it further bound Lafiel to Koh’li’s tribe, and through them bound her to the Forest that they protected, it was Koh’li himself that suggested, perhaps, speaking to one of the Gridanian Hearers on the matter and perhaps gain some insight as to what the Elementals were thinking.

At the suggestion, the small forest spirits masquerading as butterflies that perpetually existed near Lafiel became agitated. The elezen herself became lethargic and slothful, barely able to put together coherent sentences. The more they spoke of the Hearers, the worse the sudden affliction became. Adroitly changing the subject to the cuisines they sampled in Kugane, Mesa was able to break Lafiel out of the bizarre fugue with Koh’li’s help and reminders of what it is they’d had.

They were joined a short time after by Mizumi Tsuwamono and they spoke briefly of the young merchant princess’ travel plans once she was ready to leave the city. The butterflies, however, continued to be a nuisance to Koh’li and he grew agitated and tired of their antics. Making their excuses to leave, they departed to the airship and Gridania, where Koh’li hoped that the butterflies would not follow.

There were a number of other smaller visitations during the week with personalities like Khona’tol Awandah and his fiancee, Taya. More brief visits with Mizumi. And another long chat with Mesa Kha on the status of her relationship with her Ishgardian paramour; a situation that Lafiel was entirely uncertain would end happily, given prickly Ishgardian sensibilities about engaging in relationships beneath their station. Still, Lafiel hoped that Mesa would come through it unscathed, Twelve only knew that the resilient little xaela had been through enough of recent.

A little quiet this week, but that’s expected during Patch and Expansion lulls! Regardless, I certainly hope you enjoyed being along for the rideMy heartfelt thanks go out to all those who made these experiences possible, as always. You’re all a treasure, each of you, every one. Eorzea wouldn’t be the magical place it is without you

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