FFXIV Write: 12 – Miss the Boat

Fail to take advantage of an opportunity,



She was walking up the ramp leading to the main aetheryte plaza of Limsa Lominsa’s Upper Deck when the call caught her ears, causing them to flick toward the voice. A violet-haired Seeker came toward her, waving to catch her attention. As he approached her, the crimson catte arched a brow, her steps slowing as she made it to the landing. She stood there, waiting for him to draw nearer before she huffed and glared at him.

“What do you want, D’fhul?” A huff, only slightly annoyed. Maybe he was bringing more work for her; she’d gone with him and his cohort on occasion when their usual thaumaturge was unavailable. The conjurer was a skilled healer, she had to admit, but she never really saw him outside of their work for the Maelstrom. “Is Gota’a out sick again? I just covered for him last sennight!” Hands went on hips in frustration. “I have other jobs to work besides always covering the Maelstrom’s ass!”

“N-no!” The Seeker protested, raising his hands in denial. “I was…” He paused, shuffling from one foot to the other as he regarded her. “… I, um… That is… The Bismarck…” He gestured feebly toward the ramp that led toward the Culinarian Guild’s home base of operations, a highly-touted restaurant in the heart of Limsa Lominsa. “Uh, dinner…?”

“Huh?” Her nose scrunched up in confusion as she tilted her head. “No, I don’t have time for that. I’m on my way to Naldiq & Vymelli’s to see what they need gathered this sennight, then I gotta head to Ul’dah so I can drop off a delivery for the Alchemist’s Guild. After that, I have a gathering list waiting with the Mining Guild, then Fufulcha wants me to check in with the Botanist’s Guild in Gridania…” As was her habit, she crammed more jobs into the bells of the day than most people. Sleep was often difficult for her to come by, so she found that working herself to exhaustion was the best way to get herself to sleep.

“Oh, ah…” D’fhul rubbed at the back of his head with one hand, tail frizzing a bit in his disappointment. “R-right. A-another time then.” Clearing his throat, the Seeker retreated as quickly as he could without looking like he was running away in abject horror. It didn’t take him long to find the safety of Hawker’s Alley. As he passed the vendor stalls, one of his comrades from the Maelstrom called out to him.

“Oi, D’fhul… Yer attempt t’break th’ice wi’ ‘Er Crankiness didn’t work, did it? Man, y’really are da fool for that little red catte, aren’t ya?” The roegadyn guffawed, moving over to the miqo’te and clapping him on the back. “Well, y’can’t help that she missed the boat.”

D’fhul sighed, looking back across the distance to the disappearing crimson silhouette as he shook his head. “You can’t miss the boat when the ship never got to sail.”

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